Sunday, July 17, 2016

As Time Moves By: A Learning Experience

Janie by Forsythia Bush (reversed)
Time has its own way of pressing onward; it navigates the rough as well as smooth seas. As I glance into the mirror I see that time has moved forward and will continue to do so. Memories assume the cloak of being more endearing as I count the decades that I have walked upon this earth. Wisdom and experience are my companions, as they walk alongside of me. What once was has changed and will continue to change. Another page has turned in the diary of me. As I look back memories seem to accumulate. When I look forward I realize that I am the mentor of the generation who is learning to step forward in this challenging world. Still I am the one who is learning about myself and I will go on learning and analyzing myself. This process I name "centering". Centering, in my opinion, is the learning and understanding of one's own self. This aids in overcoming obstacles whether they be physical or mental.
This time in my life has its advantages as well as difficulties. These past few years I have seen many people who I had admired, pass away. This is one of the signs of getting older. The generation before me is moving on and I can feel this loss more dearly. Preparation is in the works for when I reach that milestone someday. For me it takes time. My proactive nature reminds me of the necessary things that must be done before it falls into the category of "unfinished business". Pacing one's self is of utmost importance in this stage of life. 
Engage in activities which are therapeutic for one's individual lifestyle. By doing this it will be a blessing in one's senior years. Remember life is short and as Bette Davis once stated,"Old age is not for sissies"; make the attempt to at least have those moments of peace and contentment.

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