Friday, September 9, 2016

Memories of a Bucolic Scene

Lady in GIF
J.R. Frieman

A bucolic scene is envisioned in my imagination. Its rustic allure tempts me to walk amongst its flowers and smell their perfume like scent. A busy honeybee goes about its business and extracts nectar while pollinating each pretty blossom. Morning glories grow vine like and bloom each morning, only to close their lovely blooms by the early afternoon. Their loveliness always attracted me as a child and I missed them when their bloom was closed. Lilies of the valley had a distinguishing charm about them. Their bell shaped bloom hung in small groups upon one stem. I would imagine them as tiny bells ringing. The lilac bush I had adored. Its lavender blooms and unique scent attracted my curiosity and tantalized my senses. This bush was large in size and provided shade in the summertime. As I sat in its protective shade I would reminisce about the summer nights where I would catch fireflies.
Next to the lilac bush was the forsythia bush. Each spring this bush would sprout beautiful yellow blooms which would turn green when summer arrived. I would imagine these yellow blooms as flowers; gather a few small branches and place them in a glass jar filled half way with water. 
Forsythia Bush 
Photo: Property of J.R. Frieman 

The pussy willows happened to be one of my favorite springtime flora. Their furry outer coats were soft like a kitten's fur and they grow; several were sprouting just on one branch. I would pick a few branches and place them in a vase as decoration. 
As the sun headed toward the western horizon, my stroll through this imaginary nature scene was complete. 

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